Gloomy Thursday Expressions

After a month and a few days of not being able to write/post something here, thank God I’m officially back! Well, I’ve been busy recently preparing for the NMAT (National Medical Admission Test), an exam taken by people planning to enter medicine in the Philippines. It was really important for me to have a high rating so that I can end up in a good medical school. Anyway, this is not the focus of my post. I just wanna share some thoughts about random stuff that happened today.

Well, unexpectedly, I woke up this morning to an unusual sight of dark clouds and the gentle sound of the rain. The mayas were not chirping and the tendency to just stick to my bed was present. I managed to get up, knelt and prayed before starting my day. It was going to be an extraordinary day because it was the 27th and days with 7 are always meaningful to me because 7 is my fave number. It was despite the typhoon which I learned was in the country through a text message.

It was quite disappointing that I woke up late and although I didn’t feel this way at that moment, acknowledging this now makes me want to break the cycle. Hopefully, by God’s grace, I’ll go back to a life with this principle: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, happy and wise.”

Despite waking up late, I still was able to achieve a lot. Rainy weather can really make you timid at times.I was able to do the errand mom left me last night. After that, I had my devotional time with the Lord- which is always time well spent. In the afternoon,  I finally finished the video I was making for mom’s birthday. Thank God for helping me!

However, after checking the video out, I saw another one (this was made for a friend’s birthday) which I watched and boom clap, hello nostalgia! This feeling was aggravated when I read our past FB conversations and was coupled with sadness because of our present state and joy after reminiscing the memories associated with those words. Wow… It’s really hard to absorb the truth of how time flies and the reality of that is made clearer when you know that things between you have become different over this year. And I just have to comfort myself with this cliche statement: “Everything happens for a reason” so that I could move on with my life.

It is actually complementary to feel nostalgic on cold, rainy days like these. And how much more gloom? Yet I know that like the fleeting sound of crickets serenading my ears right now, these feelings on this gloomy Thursday won’t last long.